Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fitness is the Foundation of Fulfillment

I received a note from a friend of mine Jon Benson and I HAD to share it with you:

“If you keep doing exactly what you are doing now for the next ten years what will your life look like?

Will you be thriving, healthy, fit, alive and fearless? Or will you be heavier, more depressed, fearful, and in a strained relationship?

The choice yours…No one else has a say. Now...I want you to receive this message loud and clear:

Fitness is the foundation of fulfillment.

That may sound shallow to you, but hang on a sec...

Some would say the foundation of fulfillment is love. Some would say God. Some would say family.

It's fitness.

And the reason why is simple: You can have love, family, spirituality, wealth and more and be in wonderful health. Fit, lean and happy. Never worried about what your friends might be saying about you behind your back. Never concerned over losing a relationship to that "younger, thinner" guy or gal at the office of your spouse.

Or, you can have love, family, deep spirituality, wealth and more... and be over-fat. Burdened by your own body. Sick and dying well before your time. Leaving children and loved ones left to worry about you.


Having the essence of life itself without the vehicle to carry it around is NOT living.

An old pastor once told me, "Jon, all I have is this old mule (pointing to his 68-year-old healthy body) and a message. If the mule dies fails, I cannot deliver the message."

Yes, fitness is the foundation.

From there, you can build the life of your dreams. You can put anything you like on top of a solid foundation, but the nicest house in the world will crumble with a weak foundation.

Do me a favor:

Take out a sheet of paper and a pen. Go ahead. Do this for yourself. Do this for your future.

Draw a line down the center of the page.
On the left, write down three things about your body or your health that are holding you back from feeling truly fulfilled.

On the right, list all the reasons you can think of as to WHY you are carrying around the burden of these three things ONE DAYLONGER than you have to.


Can you honestly say there is any valid reason to continue one more moment not taking action to remove these three life-takers from your destiny?

Is there any price you would not pay to have the left side of that sheet of paper completely blank?

Today is your day. It's time to ease that burden. It's time to live the life of your greatest destiny.

These are not just "nice words" -- this is a call to arms. This is a slap in the face... a splash of cold water... or a loving nudge off the high diving board.

Call it what you will.

But today you WILL ACT.

You will either take action and walk toward that greater destiny or you will put a side that piece of paper for the mundane and the trivial. What's on TV. What's in the newspaper. A small-talk phone call perhaps.


Jon Benson, Author of "7 Minute Muscle", “Fit over 40” and other great fitness programs and I consider him a close friend and a fellow mental strength practitioner.

To Your Inner Strength,


Monday, January 19, 2009

The 100 Rep Workout - Fat Burning, muscle building, time saving workout

The 100 Rep Workout... fat burning, muscle building, time saving workouts for the working man
Fitness Expert Swears: “If you can give me 5 minutes a day, 3 times a week and can count to 100 I’ll show you how to drop body fat like a bad habit and build lean strong muscles…guaranteed!”

You’re busy, you don’t have time to spend hours working out – not with your hectic schedule - and you certainly don’t want to waste your hard earned money on diet pills and supplements that leave you feeling sick and bloated and fail to deliver the real fat melting, muscle building results you’re after…

…but despite your busy schedule and responsibilities you can still lose that gut and get into awesome shape by following my time-saving high intensity, fat vaporizing 100 Rep Workout system.Let me tell you all about it…more at 100 Rep Workout